Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Animal Activists, Beware!

If you don't like to talk about the death of an animal, now would be a great time to go visit another blog. Better yet, go to the zoo. They specialize in living animals.

On the Maynard Estate, groundhogs are not welcome. They are breeding and digging holes near our house foundation. They cause havoc in the barns and eat my kale. They must be stopped-one by one.

My Dad loaned us a trap. We put it next to Groundhog Headquarters (the middle of the hay field). We put kale and celery in it as the bait. For weeks we sat with bated breath as the groundhogs would stand on top of the trap, mocking us. Yet, they would not enter.

We could have used a gun, but they are so loud. We could have used a bow and arrow, but Robin Hood was all booked-up. Instead, we put the trap near our house and went on vacation. It seemed the only thing left to do.

We returned home to this.

My dear little trapped victim. I hope you have enjoyed your life and accomplished all your goals. I hope you have left a groundhoggish legacy to your chubby offspring. This day is your appointed time to give account for all your deeds.

I won't go into any more details. Suffice it to say that he met a watery end and now fertilizes the woods next door.

What is the moral of the story? A watched pot never boils.


  1. does rachel raye have a 30 minute or less dinner specializing in groundhog!!!! yum yum

  2. Ha ha! I bet I could braise him in chicken stock and African spices. I'll serve him with Parmesan Polenta and Garlic Green Beans!

  3. You should request that she includes a recipe for Groundhog in her next book. :) It seemed a waste to just pitch all that meat into the woods! :>
