Friday, March 18, 2011


At the end of January, we had the College and Career folks over to indulge in food and fellowsip.

Colin was so stressed out cooking and cleaning all day, that he had to stop it all and sled.

Well, really he read books all day and then stopped to sled. It's a hard life that he leads.

Always invite Burtt girls to your gatherings. They do dishes! ;) They also text. I don't know how to text, but I have the dishwashing thing down all too well. Thanks, girlies!

Men don't do dishes. They sit around and discuss sports and such. We are trying to marry some of these off. Any suggestions?

These men look like they are not wanting to be married off. They don't do dishes, but they play their instruments well!

Um...A picture tells a thousand words. Actually, she was my sous chef for the evening. She is always a great help. I think she may get married off.


  1. why in the world do you want to condemn these folks to being married-you got stuck with jason hahahaaa just kidding

  2. I'm afraid he got stuck with me, poor fellow! :)

  3. LOL, love the post! What a flattering picture of me, I'm sure that'll make all the boys line up :-)
    Tonight was a blast as well, thanks so much!

  4. These pictures made me smile. And there is nothing "better for a married woman to do than to marry every single person in her life off".
    -Marianne Dashwood


    Take care,
    Beth Fisher
