We had lots of fun at the end of August when we had them over for dinner. Regina's mom returned to India. She will be missed! Thanks for spending the evening with us!
This picture hardly captures the beautiful sunsets we see daily here at our house. I am so thankful for wide open spaces, green grass and clean air! The sunrises are pretty amazing too! We have an amazing God with perfect artistic taste! I think He did a pretty decent job with creation. :))
It's always a blessing to have the Van Gelderen's with us! John Jr. was able to come over and play with Colin. Colin had a lot of fun, and as you can see by the state of the floor, the toys were actually taken out to play with. They also had fun watching "Finding Nemo". Thanks Mary Lynn for letting him come over!
So much for tummy time! She is supposed to be building neck muscles, not snoozing! :) Aunt Jenny is a little rusty (and Victoria isn't making it any easier).